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Empower Your Athletic Journey With Us

Sports Serve is a non-profit organization dedicated to using sports as a means to connect, engage, and disciple communities.

What We Do

Our solution enhances kingdom conversations across different environments by incorporating Biblically-based stories into resources for coaches, parents, and athletes.

Basketball Coach

Character Coach

A coach who profoundly influences a player's life can either enhance or obstruct the message of the Gospel.

Family Soccer

Parent Support

As your athlete strives for success on the field, it's crucial to recognize how your actions off the field can promote or limit opportunities for the Gospel.

Studying on the Grass

Athlete Cohort

Athletes of all ages face social pressures in sports. Joining peer groups with Biblical content can empower them to navigate these challenges effectively.

Sports Serve is a crowdfunded nonprofit

Your support enables individuals around the world to thrive and grow on their sports journey. Thank you!

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